The United Snakes of America

i swore after 2004 when Bush won his 2nd term i would never again vote in this political cesspool....these United Snakes of America as Ms. Nina Simone referred to them before fleeing the country pretty much for good.

and i have stuck true to that personal pledge.  you can shove that cliche democracy is not a spectator sport straight up your ass if you are so inclined to spew such empty drivel.  i still reside =====> [THERE]

But ANYONE (with bitchin' hair) who can irritate the shit out of those gullible idiots still clinging to Obama's fraud express or get under the skin of those equally worthless sleepwalking #ImWithHer imbeciles can't be ALL bad right ????

it's starting to make me (kinda) itch a little if ya catch my drift.  

it's just an itch but it's still an itch.

I'M CERTAIN ABOUT ONE THING THOUGH:  let's just hope he's not a ringer.