There are no rules of FaceBook

here are the rules of FaceBook: THERE ARE NO RULES OF FACEBOOK.

only whiny needy little cunts who can't take the heat even hint at anything different than that. if they don't like what is on the computer screen turn the channel. i'm certainly not going to bow to a bunch of newbies who joined the internet party as late as 2005-2008 or whatever. they have no cyber street credibility with anyone who has had a website since the mid-90s in this fraternal order. and just because most everyone else is a freshman just like they are or they have a FB button on that same phone every other late-to-the-party douche bag who surrounds them has it changes nothing.

they get their say = i get mine. it's really simple.

isn't it ironic that those BuzzFeed "10 people you need to unfriend on FaceBook" lists for painfully average people never include #11 that friend who thinks their Ma & Pa rules apply to other people's lives or how about #12 that friend who used to be fun who is now a boring parent who wants to end the wild crazy evening at 10PM and wonders why we never see each other anymore or how about #13 that friend who used to be hot who now looks like a frumpy train wreck & resents pretty pictures & anyone not stuck in that same quicksand or how about #14 that schoolmarm genius who thinks using the word fuck or not using the word fuck is an effective way to calculate intelligence (the same pussy who types words like friggin).  FUCK.

it always makes me ask that rhetorical question:

i "grew up" for THIS shit ??????

for a bunch of amateurs and their petty self-serving "i'm so offended" ploys while they simultaneously play like-button footsies like a bunch of children in grade school ???

as long as their inadequacies mirror yours they'll get the "like" right ???