The Power of FRUMP Compels You

women (mostly American) are supposedly in an "uproar" over this 10-year-old appearing in French Vogue. 

let's not forget that her two VERY SUCCESSFUL non-sexually repressed parents of course fully approved.  i've heard a lot of so-called questions about this typically feigned concern but why has this one been conveniently left out:  do these women have a problem with this little girl because she looks like more of a woman than they do ????

i never mince words so let's just let this shit fly in plain english that everyone & that's EVERYONE can easily understand. the average "modern" American woman looks like COMPLETE SHIT with her frumpy, skirt-less, heel-less, make-up-less, pony-tail agenda that she has donned like a sheep walking to a no one really wants to fuck her slaughter.  she desperately needs a non-Oprah show influenced fashion renaissance.  that American woman has NEVER looked worse.  if she thinks she's pulling off some "i've got the power to wear pants & i'm liberating myself" Coco Chanel-chic something something she is SORELY mistaken. yeah that USED to be a statement 40 years ago:  now it's as simple as YOUR PURE LAZINESS HAS BACKED YOU INTO A CORNER CALLED I CAN'T NATURALLY PULL-OFF FEMININITY ANYMORE BECAUSE I'M SO OUT OF PRACTICE....then you throw on a pair of heels & we all watch the bull in the china shop.  

we have eyes.  everyone sees.  you're not fooling anyone.

in fact so many woman today are so pathetically inept at "female" they probably SHOULD take a few tips from this 10-year-old.


there's absolutely nothing "sexual" about these pictures & why are un-properly fucked "women" who look & dress like men (boys actually) trying to extol the profound truth about that subject anyway ???????

so shut-up ya cunts.  don't you have a soccer game you should be at or at least some hairy butterball you should be sucking off to get those window treatments you want  ?????

yeah get busy with that & let the rest of us worry about the grown-up stuff.