Surrounded by IDIOTS = thanks Facebook

it's pretty sad that unless there's some lead singer who was accused of fucking a 16-year-old girl or a sculpture of Michelle Obama with a dick i can post a link to a new page based on a phenomenal band or artist and most will COMPLETELY ignore it. after the 1st week there will be the token 4-500 "likes" (if it's lucky) and this happens in less than 24 hours.

at this pace she'll catch up to Flo the Progressive Girl, Walmart, Barack, and the latest Frito-Lay flavor (each of equally profound worth i assure you) in no time.

hopefully it's just another 24-hour cyber flu or Alec Baldwin will save the day by calling someone else a fag so the flies won't know which bug lamp to hit 1st.

at least it would be more entertaining.

we're surrounded by IDIOTS people.

Facebook has mastered the art (and profitability) of trash collection....

without a doubt.