No...not HOT for teacher

i was lucky to have this incredible mentor when i was 19.  not only was it a woman but she was close to 60 years old at the time.  i met her the day i walked into her class in my 2nd year of college.  she only taught that one class because she owned a legendary recording and rehearsal studio.  she was also a political columnist writing with a jewish nom de plume because "she always wanted to be jewish".  i'll skip stating her name because of part of the story.  these teachers were different.  they didn't walk the those that can do & those that can't teach cliche.  my music business instructor was the president of capitol records at the time so when these people spoke i REALLY listened.

the female teacher i had mentioned 1st was not only one of my favorite teachers of all-time but she is/was one of my all-time favorite people as well....simply put one of the coolest mother fuckers i have ever met with an articulate tongue like a god damn merciless razor to match.  it's funny now that i think about it the one unpopular teacher that everyone hated didn't like her & would even say so often.  pretty telling.  i can only imagine now that he probably wanted to fuck her & she probably ignored him or better yet maybe she verbally bitch slapped his ass.  i wish i would have asked because she would have told me yet another priceless story. 

after she was my instructor i got to know her better.  no not like THAT.  there wasn't any teacher fucks student scenario.  basically she was just honest with me in that i know i REALLY got to know her.  when did i find out most of these things ???  while we were hanging out at her place getting high.  yes weed.  mary jane.  reefer.  the pot.  

i was part of a small elite club with this woman.  i know this because the last student she let in like that was about 5-6 years older than impressive female as well who assured me that i "won the golden ticket" & went on & on about how much she loved this teacher.  it's cool that they're still business partners to this day.

so back to her.........

keep in mind that what i'm about to type came from the mind & mouth of a woman who had been married to her soul mate for over 40 years.  to this day i can't say i've ever met a more perfect couple as far as seemless compliment of one another.  i would have guessed they were twins separated at birth if i didn't know the story. 

i was thinking today about one of the many great conversations we had.  one day she was going off about this whole "don't let some stupid little bitch girl trap you with the petty offering of real life bullshit" (or something to that extent)  she advised me to keep a close eye on the ways people will deliberately misuse concepts like "security" & "normal" to trap people like me into doing what THEY want me to do....not because it's what's best for me but because that might be one of the only ways they'll get me to stick around if i'm really GOING somewhere....anywhere in this life.....& at any time within it to boot.  she stressed how everyone has a different timeline & journey.  i specifically remember her citing what a great much more respected career Dan Akroyd had evolved into mainly after he'd gained a bunch of weight as well as an older appearance which allowed people to forget the SNL guy who used to star in B-list movies like Dr Detroit & move up the ladder to Driving Miss Daisy.  she said "giving up jokes for that man would have been like a bimbo giving up her tits if he didn't have any talent....but he did so......"

she was basically talking about how there's no right or wrong path but the one you're supposed to be on.....but make sure you're on it because you can get really REALLY lost on any detour.