Just Like A Bad Corporation

ao often we hear all this shit about corporations this corporations that because for most people they have nothing more interesting to say. in other words that's just where all the other sheep happened to be walking while they were playing the "rebel" (too bad they forget their director yells CUT at some point) & they quickly fall back into who they really are.

the true irony is that most people are EXACTLY like one of the newer corporate business models in that they do not produce ANY products they produce "brand meaning".  another way to say it is the "dissemination of their idea of themselves" is their product.  yet another way to say it is they literally do close to NOTHING with their lives.  it's SO simple to measure.  does the "product" of them stick around when they die or do they just become the next round of anonymous bug food ???

see how simple that was ?????

ENTER SITES LIKE FACEBOOK = purr-fect tool for the useless to pull this off a.k.a. pretend like they're accomplishing something ANYTHING of any lasting value

for the smarter ones who really get that just think about it: the "dissemination of their idea of themselves" is their product.  that's the jigsaw puzzle piece that fits PERFECTLY with the present-day internet whore....that's small town white trash with 2,000 "friends" in a nutshell whereby they require an enormously invasive presence & project to find a place in the market.....just like a bad corporation.....like a bunch of bumbling balding fossil fools in suits desperately trying to play the super duper great BIG boss except in the heartland 'o cousin fuckin'.

I LOVE IT !!!!!!!!!!!!

For a big wad of dough my marketing company will come up with the perfect slogan