AN OPEN LETTER to all those people bitching about welfare

THIS IS ONLY FOR THOSE FEW WHO SEEM TO HAVE THIS PERMANENT BITCHING ABOUT WELFARE SKIP IN THEIR RECORD: think that placard below is spot on ?? WRONG. it's more like most are absolutely willing to line up for work every day of the week and have a monstrous chunk of "income tax" stolen from EVERY SINGLE check and have who knows how much of that sum total presented to the pockets of private bankers to pay back the "interest" on the loan from the Federal Reserve to print our as a sovereign nation we can print on our own and forego the whole VIG in that mob scene from a badly produced movie....none of us including said "freeloaders" gets one thing from one penny of that entire total and THEN a group of you are actually going to whine about those "freeloaders" instead of THAT.  or how about those million dollar tabs Michelle and the kids rack up to attend the fucking Kids' Choice Awards a.k.a. the ULTIMATE WELFARE the well trained monkeys and blind cheerleaders quickly seem to sweep under the carpet while debating back and forth which crook is better equipped to grease the steal. 

it's just a bad comedy not to mention MORONIC

does the bulk of the population question why if we all paid a 100% tax we'd still be fucked because of Washington's spending habits ???  nope.  instead we settle for the dollar being printed into worthless paper just so long as they manipulate the interest rates properly to make it all seem what ??  so go ahead and show what ignorant fools you are. you're not fooling anyone who really matters and just because that's a VERY small percentage of people it changes nothing. there is no left or right with this one either. oh and if you owe even ONE CENT to a creditor FOR ANY REASON you should probably keep your mouth shut about this subject anyway until your own DEADBEAT freeloading is all cleared up. don't like that ?? BLOW ME. it's funny when you're not stuck in the quicksand most AMERICANS call their "lives" you can see things for what they really are and state the TRUTH...popular or not. besides what's a "like" worth from a bunch of losers who would whimper about any of that anyway ???


well i'll tell ya = ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

besides the cream of the crap rising to the top is the inevitable result of any monetary based system.  it just shows how lost we are as a people that everyone can not be taken care of.

so let's get this straight: our government robs us blind for nearly a century and we need to go after that lady with 5 kids by 3 different men right ??  that's a one-legged patriot if i ever heard one.  sounds like one of those dumb cunts on Springer who goes after the other woman her man cheated with instead of the person who perpetuated the cheating in the 1st place.

oops did i just bring some substance to this social and mental ghetto and not lick the boots of the crumbs in the process ??  SO SORRY.  my bad.  where did my tact go ???


it must be on its LUNCH BREAK with the rest of the brain dead worker bees who think they're such geniuses when it comes to this subject.