Ameri-can't Ameri-won't


$1 in 1913 required $21.60 in 2007 to match it....a 96% devaluation meaning it WAS worth 4 cents. $15/hour meant you literally made 60 cents 5 years ago. now it's.....

inside this reality tent that 2007 American "millionaire" WAS worth 40 grand.

where do you think it is after 4 years of Obama ?? or ANY President for that matter...pick your pony.
where do you think it will be after 4 more ??????
sure you can still trade it with your fellow sleepwalkers & economic losers but the rest of the world is waving bye-bye to it and when (not if) they fully do so WE fully do so as well.

think about that green piece of paper. regardless of what number is stamped upon it you can't eat it can't grow food with it can't put it in your gas tank can't even make more than a 10 second fire with it to heat your pad. it's worthless.

it's the ultimate symbol of Ameri-can't Ameri-won't Ameri-talk all that broken record this-will-blow-over shit you want.....worthless.

that tired U-S-A chant will be equally worthless.

U.S. "money" is (literal) debt and debt is (funny) money.  "every single dollar in your wallet or purse is owed by somebody to somebody".  it's too bad most give up the bulk of their "awake" time for the pursuit of it.

THAT's a crime if i ever heard one. it's an economic form of societal murder and "they" STILL don't think our government is a bunch of criminals ??
Andrew Jackson was the last President to cancel out all our debt by eliminating the central bank.
That was 1835.

too many people have their eyes on the wrong prize(s) and not fully understanding that is worth less than that "buck".
i've been COMPLETELY re-thinking my "business of life" motto for years now.  you should too.